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March 2003 Astral Projection Newsletter

Dear OBE List Members, Two months ago I asked for questions and received a number of excellent thought provoking comments and questions. This month I am addressing several questions that are surprisingly related. These questions shed light on a wide variety of issues that impact our experiences. The answers touch upon important core issues that are essential to know if you are serious about the exploration of consciousness.

Questions & Answers

Why do some people have spontaneous OBEs when others don’t have them at all?

Spontaneous OBEs occur for a reason, they are not just random events. On some level we are open to them or they would not occur. Openness is one of the main reasons why children between the ages of 4-12 have a high incidence of reported out-of-body experiences. OBEs can occur to anyone no matter your age, occupation or mindset.

I feel that many people are predisposed and drawn to the experience, including myself, because of training and experiences we received in past lives. For example during multiple past life hypnosis sessions and OBEs I have experienced myself as a Buddhist monk. My current interest in meditation, altered states of consciousness and out-of-body experiences may have originated or been enhanced during these past lives allowing me to be open and receptive to OBEs today. I am convinced that our past life experiences impact all of us in countless different ways.

What is the difference between a dream and an OBE?

At its core the major difference between a dream and an OBE is the percentage or degree of conscious awareness that is present during the experience. I would recommend testing your experiences for now on by demanding “Awareness Now” during all dreams and OBEs. Doing this will increase your awareness within the experience and provide you more conscious control. Then you can verify the nature of your experience by a wide variety of methods including visiting and observing a friend or place. One of the most common methods is to observe your own home or body from the out-of-body viewpoint. When doing this kind of verification keep in mind that you are exploring and perceiving the subtle energy substructure of matter not matter itself.

In my books I discuss the continuum of consciousness and how all-nonphysical experiences such as lucid dreams, remote viewing and OBEs are related but also how they differ from one another by the degree of consciousness awareness present during the event. Because of this awareness issue a “low powered or low awareness” OBE will often be interpreted as a dream state.

What is the essential key to spiritual OBEs?

To truly understand the incredible potential of OBEs you must stop thinking in three-dimensional concepts. You are an expansive energy being capable of perceiving and exploring the subtle heart of the universe. At this moment you dwell on every subtle multidimensional energy level of the universe. You now exist and are directly connected with the pure essence of your Soul and even to God consciousness. It is your focus that limits you to the density of Earth. To explore effectively you must allow yourself to move inwardly within yourself. Mentally reject all the old concepts of lateral motion, density and form-based realities. All of these will melt away. The single most important key is the focus of your awareness during your out-of-body experience. It is the one thing you can adjust, enhance and depend upon. Without your focus you will slide quickly into unconsciousness, a dream state or back to the physical body. All inner exploration ability is built upon this foundation.

Why do I have vision problems during an OBE?

During an OBE you do not possess nor see with your eyes, you perceive with your mind. In fact, all of your senses are created and maintained by your mind. Because of this the reality you experience during an OBE may appear different then the physical location. For example, the surrounding walls and furniture may appear a different color or shape.

Also keep in mind our natural nonphysical mode of perception is 360 degrees not the 120 degrees we experience as a physical norm. For many this enhanced perception capability takes some time to adjust to. In addition this can create some interesting and unexpected perception results. For example it’s common during your early OBEs to experience a physical like representation of your bodies vision. But as you prolong your explorations and you become more comfortable and energetically stable you soon realize that your perception ability is far greater then you can imagine. The result is this; as you increase your awareness within the OBE your perception ability and freedom becomes progressively enhanced.

Why do my hands seem to melt when I stare at them?

These questions are directly related. In addition to the visual issues discussed above another extremely important energy dynamic is at work; as you increase your awareness you also proportionately increase your personal vibration rate. This explains why your hands will melt when you stare at them during an OBE. Your nonphysical body and hands are only temporary energy representations and vehicles of perception created by your mind. When you focus upon your hands you are consciously challenging your mind’s energy creation. Remember all forms, physical and nonphysical, are but temporary creations and tools of consciousness.

This also explains why your immediate surrounding will seem to dissolve away when you demand “Awareness Now”. This focused demand will initiate an inner shift of consciousness. In reality you are shifting your awareness inward, within yourself, within the universe that is you. As your awareness increases your consciousness will automatically move or shift to a higher or finer vibrational state. As this occurs your surroundings will appear to change, dissolve and disappear until a new reality becomes manifest around you. Stay calm and centered, you have just experienced the wonder of inner dimensional travel and a great mystery of the universe is unveiled.

How can I observe my own body during an OBE?

For many one of the most fascinating things to do during an OBE is to observe your own or a loved ones “physical” body. This can be more challenging then it may appear. First move away from your body about ten feet and center yourself with an awareness demand such as, “Clarity Now or Awareness Now.” When attempting this it is important to remain emotionally centered and unattached to the form you are observing for there is an inherent tendency to “snap back” to the body if you identify with it. The key to this kind of observation is to become a completely dispassionate observer and ask for clarity when ever your perception is less then ideal.

I am pleased to announce that we have added some Spanish text pages to this site.

Also both of my websites have been given awards for “top 10 sites of the web” for the category of astral projection.

Feel free to send this newsletter to a friend.

All my best,

William Buhlman