TV / Radio Press release

William Buhlman’s media interviews typically involve the information in his books. New topics for early 2003 include:

more info

  • Why most alien abductions are actually misinterpreted OBEs
  • New info on combat, childbirth and surgery induced OBEs
  • New reports of meeting loved ones and pets during OBEs
  • How OBEs prove the existence of immortality, heaven and God
  • New and easy ways to self induce an OBE
  • Over 20 life changing benefits obtained from the experience
  • Past life regression
  • Why the mysterious Nazca figures were created for ceremonial OBEs
  • Self initiated and controlled Lucid dreaming
  • Spiritual experiences in the modern and ancient world
  • Shamanism and ancient healing practices
  • altered states of consciousness
  • The connection between Religions and OBEs
  • Alien Abduction and contact


Press release

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William Buhlman,

The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-Of-Body Experiences to

Understand Our True Nature


ublished July, 2001

Paperback, 272 pages,

1st Ed edition

Harper San Francisco; 

ISBN: 006251671X

William Buhlman


William Buhlman is the author ofthe best selling book, Adventures Beyond the Body and the newly published, The Secret of the Soul. He is one of America’s leading experts on the subject of out-of-body experiences. William is a certified hypnotherapist and conducts workshops and lectures exploring the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development. This article contains excerpts from his new book, The Secret of the Soul.

  • Whitley Streiber, author of Communion and The Coming Global Superstorm
  • ”This is the book to read if you want to learn about—and experience—OBEs.”
  • Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author of Astral Voyages and Past Lives—Future Lives
  • ”This extraordinary book is well researched, full of thought provoking ideas and techniques...I highly recommend it."
  • Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine and Healing Words
  • ”Out-of-body experiences are an intersection between the spiritual and physical, as The Secret of the Soul makes clear.” 
  • Robert S. Peterson, author of Out of Body Experiences: 
  • How to Have Them and What to Expect
  • ”Empowering and insightful. Contains important new information and techniques.”
  • Robert Bruce, author of Astral Dynamics
  • I recommend THE SECRET OF THE SOUL to everyone interested in discovering not only the Astral dimension, but the nature of spiritual existence. The integrity of this book shines throughout, as does Buhlman's sincerity. Friendly, engaging and informative--priceless!"

Secret of the Soul

is now available in 4 languages

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Adventures Beyond the Body

now in 10 languages.

Excerpts from “The Secret of the Soul”

Life-changing spiritual adventures are often part of an out-of-body experience. This is especially true of self- initiated out-of-body journeys because the explorers are prepared for their adventures. They often report an instant and dramatic change in their awareness, and their perception of the universe and themselves.

Those who have had a profound out-of-body experience speak of an incredible acceleration of their personal evolution. This can be due to their expanded ability to obtain insights and knowledge, understand past life issues or overcome their fears.

At the very core of all transcendental and God consciousness experiences is a shift of awareness away from the physical body and its senses to the formless spiritual essence within us. Many refer to this profound spiritual experience as self-realization and or God realization. Out-of-body adventures provide a powerful opportunity to experience our spiritual essence. 

An example of a profound Spiritual Experience:Major Shifts in Consciousness

The profound act of projecting your consciousness beyond the body can have an immediate life changing impact. You dramatically confirm your immortality and experience yourself in a shocking new light. You fully recognize, often for the first time that you are a spiritual being and that you are completely responsible for all of your actions. This is a powerful, transformational shift of consciousness that initiates immediate and lasting benefits. An inmate currently in a Maryland prison shares his experience: 

A relative gave me your book, Adventures Beyond the Body, and I studied it for about a month. I did the techniques every night as I fell asleep. I experienced the sounds and vibrations that you described several times for weeks. Then one night I heard a tremendous rush of sounds and I experienced paralysis. I was scared but I did what you said and ‘let go’. I felt a sense of rapid movement and found myself in a field surrounded by dead and wounded soldiers. In total shock, a new environment seemed to unfold before me. It was a green valley between three mountains and the air was very cool. The fighting men I assumed to be Scottish because they wore plaid, but not any kind of military uniform I was familiar with. I was drawn to one man who had a sword raised over his head, about to attack a wounded man on the ground. He hesitated and I could read his thought: “I can’t do this anymore, People have got to stop killing.” At that moment, an opposing soldier ran up behind him and took his life. I felt helpless and vulnerable – not a feeling that I am familiar with. It occurred to me that this man was caught up in a situation where he did not want to fight, but he had no choice because of the lifestyle he had chosen. And then the whole picture became clear: this man was me. As I came out of the experience, I felt numb, unable to move. My waking thoughts took me back to the field of dead men, and I realized that I would continue to find myself in some kind of battlefield where it kill or be killed until I made a major change in my life. That was several months ago, and I have been focused on change ever since that experience. I now know that there is a cycle I must consciously break before I can move ahead.”

Jerome J., Maryland Correctional Facility

Jerome’s daily out-of-body techniques opened the door for an important shift in consciousness. This created the opportunity for his soul to orchestrate the experience necessary for his personal development. Often personal change requires a dramatic wake-up call for us to truly “get it”.

Crimes are committed because people have lost contact with the truth of themselves and their spiritual existence. They are disconnected from the greatest single truth of the universe – that they are powerful spiritual beings that create their reality and their life, both the positive and the negative. An out-of-body adventure is a powerful experience capable of awakening even the sleeping soul.

Domestic - Foreign Publisher Contact and Order Information

Adventures Beyond the Body is now available in

German, Spanish, Croatian, French, Italian, English, Korean and Portuguese.

The Secret of the Soul is currently available in English, German,

Portuguese and French.


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