Chapter 6
Extraterrestrial Contact and Abduction



 It is certainly the case that many abductees report

floating to the alien [craft] . . . In near-death

experiences, people feel themselves floating along or

up a tunnel towards a light. Abductees sometimes

experience being drawn up a light beam towards the

"craft." The imagery and sense of motion are very

similar. There are many facets shared by abduction,

out-of-body, and near-death experiences. It is a

similarity that should not go unnoticed.




While I was conducting the out-of-body experience survey described in the introduction to this book, I began receiving letters related to alien contact and abduction. After reading more than two hundred such letters, I noticed a startling similarity: The letters describing extraterrestrial contacts and abductions were almost identical to the thousands of letters I have received describing OBEs. In fact, I often could not distinguish between letters. If you replace the words alien abduction with the words out-of-body experience, the two types of letter become very nearly identical. The same kind of phenomena and descriptions - such as paralysis, electrical sensations, strong vibrations, and strange, unearthly sounds and contact - are reported.  

The following is presented as an overview of the similarities and differences that exist. I do not profess to be an expert in alien contact or abduction; I am simply sharing the information that I feel is important to all of us. I am often asked if I personally believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, and my response is in the affirmative. However, evidence suggests that a large percentage of alien-contact experiences are actually multidimensional experiences. Out-of-body and near-death experiences have confirmed that life does exist just beyond our physical vision.  

I have personally seen and experienced a wide variety of nonphysical intelligent beings. Many of these beings exhibit no solid external shape or form as we understand such things. In fact, it is feasible that truly advanced beings may have evolved beyond the need for dense biological form. (It appears that the current human dependence on and obsession with form and shape is one of the primary earmarks of a more primitive species.) In addition, some nonphysical beings are reported to possess the ability to manipulate and manifest form, substance, and matter when required. This may sound strange at first, but keep in mind that science has confirmed that the human mind can alter the motion of primary particles of energy and matter. Just imagine what a highly evolved and focused mind could accomplish.

Out-of-body explorers have consistently reported the universe to be a multidimensional continuum of subtle nonphysical energies inhabited by immeasurable variations of conscious and intelligent life. It appears likely that the more-evolved beings that inhabit the universe travel, explore, and interact on a multidimensional basis. Many believe that a truly advanced civilization would have little need for a primitive material starship to initiate contact. The exploration of the universe both physical and nonphysical could be achieved by the direct use of focused consciousness and inner-dimensional motion. Threedimensional form could be manifested as needed for the denser contact situations but would be unnecessary for physical observation or exploration.


Multidimensional travel by nonphysical explorers provides a logical explanation for the many biblical references to beings such as angels that are reported to appear from thin air, interact and communicate with the primitive local inhabitants, and then abruptly disappear when their mission is completed. This also explains the ethereal glow that is so commonly associated with these spiritual visitors. For centuries the astral body was commonly called "the body of light," and is well known for its inherent radiance. Today many people perceive this spiritual body to be a stable energy matrix of light that consciousness uses for expression within the unseen dimensions of the universe. It is possible that the modern reports of alien contact and the numerous sightings of angels and deities throughout history may very well be instances of the same phenomenon interpreted from different cultural viewpoints.

The real frontier for humanity is the exploration of consciousness and the nonphysical dimensions that exist just beyond our vision. As we evolve, we will move beyond our current obsession with matter and join the multidimensional community of consciousness. Until we do, we will continue as primitive outsiders who stare into the sky and wonder about our place in the universe.


The following information is based on the results of my survey and on feedback I have received from around the world. As Adventures Beyond the Body was published in six languages, the survey reached an international audience.

The primary reference used for the comparison that follows is Dr. John E. Mack's book Abduction.1 I chose Mack's work because his documentation is excellent and I respect his dedication to detail. Mack is a professor of psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and won a Pulitzer Prize in 1977. He is also the founder of the Center for Psychology and Social Change, a research organization.

The observations presented here are the result of information received from my OBE survey, personal interviews, and workshops. Even though the survey was not designed to be a valid scientific study, I strongly feel that the sheer number of participants makes the survey results an important database of information and insight. The real jewels of the survey, though, are to be found in the thousands of personal stories I received. This information broadens our understanding of the elusive topics of alien abduction, contact, and out-of-body experiences, because at their very core these topics are primarily rooted in consciousness. Each of the following topics is described by Mack as a phenomenon associated with alien abduction. The comments and experiences that follow each discussion are taken from various out-of-body descriptions. The similarities speak for themselves.

Odd Humming Sound

An overwhelming 85 percent of respondents to the out-ofbody survey reported sounds such as buzzing, humming, or roaring as an immediate prelude to their experience. Many described the sounds as electrical, unearthly, and extremely powerful. The sounds were often combined with other phenomena, including high-energy sensations and temporary paralysis. Such sounds make up one of the most universally reported preludes to an out-of-body experience. They can be very strange and even frightening. I have heard many descriptions of loud enginelike sounds, thumping, and voices. I reported in my previous book that the sound I often hear immediately before an out-of-body experience is similar to a "roaring jet engine in my head." It should be noted that the reported sounds immediately dissipate after separation from the body is completed. Alien abductees also report hearing strange noises, especially during the early stages of these experiences.

One experience I remember clearly was awakening to a powerful buzzing sound, and I both audibly and physically felt as if I were being paralyzed by electricity. I had the distinct sensation there was someone at the foot of the bed I was in, but I panicked and it soon ended.

Strong Vibratory or Energy Sensation in the Body

The OBE survey results indicate that 56 percent of the participants report experiencing vibrations or high-energy sensations. This generally occurs at the initial phase of the out-of-body experience commonly referred to as the vibrational state. The vibrations are often combined with other phenomena such as strange sounds and paralysis.

For the past year or two, I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I've merged with an electrical transformer. I honestly thought the energy was invoked by extraterrestrials . . . I couldn't talk about this to anyone. Doctors don't know what to make of it. It wasn't until I read your book [Adventures Beyond the Body] that things began to make sense. On page 157 you describe signals associated with the initial experience of out-of-body travel. . . I have experienced every one of those signals as recently as last week.

Temporary Paralysis

Paralysis is reported by 72 percent of the OBE survey participants and is commonly described during abductions. This is often portrayed as the most frightening aspect of both experiences. Paralysis is generally experienced with unusual sounds such as electrical humming or buzzing and high-energy sensations.

I heard noises that sounded like a high level of energy was above me. It gave me the impression that a UFO was overhead. I was paralyzed, unable to move or make any sounds.

The experience lasted about two minutes, and each time I could feel a magnetic force going through my body.

Shift in Consciousness

One of the essential elements of an out-of-body experience is a dramatic shift of consciousness from the physical body to the nonphysical. This shift of consciousness is essential in order to have an out-of-body experience.

I found myself floating above my body and looking down upon the room below. I felt free.

Appearance of an Unexplained Light

During a nighttime out-of-body experience, the surrounding environment is often reported to be significantly brighter than the physical environment itself. It is common to hear phrases such as "The room was illuminated by a silvery glow" and "I experienced bright moonlit surroundings even though it was pitch black in my bedroom." An OBE survey by researchers Stuart Twemlow, Glen Gabbard, and Fowler Jones found that 30 percent of their OBE participants reported a brilliant white light, and of this group 46 percent found the light to be strongly attractive while 33 percent felt it was a being.2 In addition, it should be noted that the astral body is known to naturally radiate light. The term astral comes from a Greek word meaning "related to a star" and originally described the abodes of the Greek gods.

During my out-of-body experience everything around me was illuminated by a strange glow, like a silvery full moon. When I returned to my body it was 2 A.M. and the bedroom was dark.

Sense of Presence of a Being or Beings

Twenty-two percent of the respondents to my survey report that they have seen or felt the presence of an unknown nonphysical being, and 24 percent report that they have seen, heard, or spoken to a deceased loved one. Many people believe that there is a nonphysical being close to us during every outof-body experience. Some refer to this presence as a spiritual guide, watcher, or helper, or as an astral being. How we interpret this presence is of course based on our individual beliefs and perceptions of reality. I have heard descriptions that span the limits of imagination: angels, devils, aliens of all sorts even animals. The most commonly reported sightings are humanoid forms that appear to be watching as the out-of-body experience unfolds. We frame our nonphysical adventures and contact based on our individual mind-set.

It is important to understand that we do not possess eyes when out of body; we perceive our surroundings with our minds. And it is our minds that create a comfortable facsimile similar to our normal physical vision. This is why vision is often described as 360-degree vision by experienced explorers. They have simply expanded their individual concept of visual perception beyond the human physical norm. This is important, because it describes how we perceive and interpret our nonphysical surroundings. Vision and perception are not static three-dimensional observations but interactive communications in which our mind determines the meaning of the energy forms or consciousness that we encounter. In effect, our mind not only interprets the perceived reality but also influences and molds it. For example, if you believe that spiritual guides will appear as monklike beings wearing long robes, you will likely perceive your nonphysical contacts in that light. If you believe in alien grays with large eyes and heads, you are predisposed to "see" such an image. This knowledge does not nullify the reality of the experience; it simply increases our understanding of it.

Expanding this thought a little further, I would like to point out that we eventually must take responsibility for our thoughts and experiences, for we are the cocreators of our perceptions and our experiences in every dimension of the universe.

I awakened to the shock of a strange being touching me. I was so scared and paralyzed and tried to scream, and then the thing disappeared.

Telepathic Communications

The universal form of nonphysical communication is telepathy. This is experienced as a flow of pictures entering your mind. Projected mental imagery is a far more precise method of communication than primitive word symbols; it is like a movie that also includes thoughts and emotions.

I don't know for sure if this was an out-of-body experience. I was asleep for the night, and I woke up to find two beings at the foot of the bed. I don't think they were human, more like creatures or aliens. One was tall and thin; the other was shorter and rounder. But they had similar heads and faces. The taller one said, "Let's go," and waved for me to follow him. I was not afraid, but I didn't want to go, so I tried to shake my head no. I got the feeling they were reading my mind more than anything, because I couldn't feel my head shake. But they seemed to get the message and left. My husband was sleeping beside me. He didn't see or hear anything and says I must have been dreaming. It just didn't feel like a dream to me. - ARLENE G., BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA

Moving Through Physical Objects

Moving through walls, doors, or windows is a common element of many out-of-body experiences. In fact, this is one of the first things I recommend that explorers accomplish after they gain full conscious control. When out of body, we are experiencing an extremely subtle energy body that can easily pass through any dense physical barrier or object.

I heard a loud electrical sound and floated up . . . I moved and floated right through the wall.

Abductees often report that they have been transported into another reality. They describe this as a waking reality, but one different from the normal physical world. Those who experience OBEs often report the same thing. In fact, the statement above is a good general description of an out-of-body experience.

Missing and Distorted Time

The phenomenon of missing or distorted time is commonly reported during both OBEs and abductions. This is to be expected, because linear time does not exist as we understand it when we leave our physical body. Evidence suggests that outof-body and most abduction experiences are actually multidimensional experiences that occur beyond the external reference points of time.

I was traveling out of my body for some time and was surprised when I returned and looked at the clock and only a few minutes had passed. - TOBY V., TRENTON, NEW JERSEY

Sense That One Is Not Dreaming or Imagining Things

Out-of-body experiencers frequently make the same statement. They often describe their OBE as a stark reality. According to the OBE survey conducted by Twemlow, Gabbard, and Jones, 94 percent of respondents stated that their OBE was "more real than a dream."3

Nobody could ever convince me that my out-of-body experience was a dream. It was as real as anything I've ever done.

Seeing Home and the Earth Itself Recede

It's not unusual to hear reports of out-of-body explorers flying high above their city or town. For many, one of the most memorable joys of OBEs is the ability to fly free from the dense limitations of matter. Even though reports of spacecraft are rare, the perception of flight before and during an OBE is universal. Eighty-one percent of the respondents to my survey reported flying in a dream as an immediate prelude to their out-of-body experience. Many believe that flying in a dream is actually our mind's interpretation of an out-of-body experience.

I felt the vibrations and surrendered to them. The next instant I shot up through the ceiling like a rocket. A sense of incredible speed filled me, and I was floating in space or some kind of void.

Based on my experience and research, I believe that the majority of alien-abduction experiences involve multidimensional contact with nonphysical life forms.

In Abduction, Mack makes an interesting statement in reference to the connection between abduction and OBEs: "The individual may have an out-of-body experience while others see that he or she has not left the house."4


There are specific elements of some abduction experiences that are not normally reported during an OBE. One example is the report of various intrusive medical procedures administered under the control of an extraterrestrial. Even though medical procedures are rarely reported during OBEs, it is interesting that 33 percent do speak of being touched and even moved by nonphysical beings. In addition, 46 percent report seeing, feeling, and even speaking to some sort of being near them.

There are also stories of abductees who are taken by some degree of force. Often this is perceived to be a beam of light or some other form of energy used by the alien beings. Paralysis, floating, and strange humming or buzzing noises frequently accompany the experience. I would like to point out that the majority of OBEs also include these kind of phenomena. In addition, a large percentage of the survey respondents considered their OBE to be a startling or even frightening event, with 46 percent reporting a panic attack during their OBE. Often this was an initial fear response to the paralysis and strange sounds that are common elements of the vibrational state. Both out-of-body experiences and abductions are spontaneous events that completely shock the participant. I have had many people tell me that, were they not aware of the vibrational phenomena associated with OBEs, they would swear that some external force was creating their experiences.

It felt like a powerful beam or surge of raw energy spread through my body, and I was completely paralyzed. I was absolutely terrified and just wanted it to end. I tried to scream but couldn't.

Various vibrational-state phenomena are clearly evident in the following experience.

It began as a dream. In the dream, I was in the backseat of a car and we were driving along the highway chasing a UFO that was high and to the right of us. Suddenly I awoke and couldn't move. I heard the buzzing you talk about, but it was more of an ear-piercing type of high-pitched scream. It was very mechanical sounding, and the first thing I thought was that I was being abducted by aliens. I freaked out. I tried to scream but couldn't. I tried to thrash about in bed but couldn't, and after a minute or so of fighting, it was over. I was always spooked by it and never told anyone about it.

 process opens us psychologically to more and better-controlled out-of-body experiences.

I found several books with steps and exercises for having an OBE. After attempting it several times, I woke up at night and I couldn't move or talk. All I could do was look around my room. I saw a shadowed figure at the end of my bed. As soon as it realized I could see it, it drifted off to the left and van-ished. For a moment I was scared to death and thought I was going to be abducted by aliens or something. Then I came to realize what was going on, and all my fears dwindled.

The following experience is an interesting combination of imagery that combines a classic abduction description with a common OBE theme.

I woke up on something like an operating table. I was surrounded by a circle of intense white light. I recall being loosely tethered to something - including a pulling feeling in my abdominal area. Looking to the left, I saw someone seated with their back to me. I reached out and put my hand on their shoulder, and they turned around. It was my mother.


I believe that the true significance of alien sightings, contact, and abduction rests in the impact these phenomena have upon the individual and group consciousness of our species. These interactions in any of their forms have an immediate impact on the experiencer, whose state of consciousness is often dramatically altered by the encounter. Experiencers inevitably view their world and themselves with a new and broader perspective. Often a new mind-set emerges that questions the status quo and is driven to acquire additional knowledge and answers. On many unseen levels contact experiences may initiate important shifts of consciousness and perception that impact the individual in ways we do not currently understand. These encounters thrust the experiencer into a dramatically new way of thinking in much the same way that encounters with angels have influenced humanity for centuries.

I have witnessed evidence of this shift of consciousness during my speaking engagements at various UFO conventions around the country. In their search for UFO and alien abduction information, those who are interested in such phenomena are often introduced to the subjects of out-of-body experiences, multiple dimensions, past-life exploration, and the spiritual nature of reality.

Of one thing I am certain: The underlying purpose of the worldwide increase in reported alien phenomena is to be found in consciousness itself. All observed phenomena are the direct result and manifestation of consciousness. As a species, we are being methodically prepared for and guided toward a significant shift in our group consciousness.

As we evolve, the time for subtlety is rapidly drawing to an end. As the evolution of consciousness accelerates, so will reports of extraterrestrial sightings and contact experiences. The universe is a continuum of consciousness that uses every available opportunity to awaken the masses of people still wandering within the physical labyrinth. If the outer image of an angel or an alien is effective in awaking our potential, such images will continue to appear.

Out-of-body exploration provides substantial evidence that we are evolving beyond the dense limits of matter. Is it not possible that some other species may have already achieved this evolutionary leap? I contend that all life-forms are slowly evolving beyond the need for biological form. Eventually we will recognize and consciously explore our multidimensional nature and take our place in the magnificent thought-responsive realities of the universe.

If you are seriously interested in experiencing and comprehending the phenomena of extraterrestrial contact, I strongly suggest that you become skilled at out-of-body exploration.



Secret of the Soul

Sequel to Adventures Beyond the Body - Learn the Higher Meaning of OBEs & Learn How to Achieve it for Yourself

A truly enlightening account of the out-of-body journey, along with straightforward instruction. A comprehensive exploration of OBEs and spiritual development.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audible Audio Book Formats.

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