Hosting aWorkshop in your area


Workshop Sponsor Suggestions

We will assist you to make this a fun and successful event.

Click Book to purchase at

• Start the planning the event about four to five months in advance.

You will be looking for a space that will hold about 40 people lying on the floor. This usually requires about 2,000 square feet (220 square meters) or more. The facility must be quiet and comfortable. Often selecting a B&B or camp location with catering can be an ideal arrangement. Many will provide lodging, meals and a workshop area at a very reasonable rate. If a non-residential location is selected it should be close to eating facilities, hotels, and have adequate parking.

• Your goal is to register between 25 to 35 people to attend the weekend event. The workshop attendance fee is your decision however it generally ranges between $295. - $495. Prices vary depending if you include all meals and lodging as a package. An early registration incentive involving a $25 reduction is recommended. Discounts are often given to groups and families.

• Instruct your guests to wear casual clothing and bring a sleeping bag or floor mat. The exploration methods are often conducted laying down on the floor and are best experienced when the attendees are comfortable.

Promotional Ideas for You to Publicize the Workshop

• Publicize the workshop details in your local “New Age” bookstores; online chat rooms, forums and groups. Most topic related online groups and chat rooms will allow you to post brief informational workshop details and contact information. There are currently many different online news groups and web rings that discuss out of body exploration.

• Place a quarter page advertisement in the local metaphysical newspaper two months before the event. Ad copy can be provided. William can also provide an article for the local New Age publications if they are interested.

• Create a flyer (or use our template) and post in local bookstores, yoga and meditation centers, libraries, Unity Churches and other locations that allow such postings. We can provide a digital master copy for your duplication if needed. Sample Workshop flyer and information

• Contact local mass media outlets: local newspapers and radio shows. Many local new age newspapers have an upcoming events section that is free or available at a nominal charge. Radio shows can be effective if arranged several weeks in advance of the event.

• William will promote the event on his two web sites; local and national radio shows and OBE newsletters.

If you have any questions or need more information please contact William at

What people are saying about William Buhlman's Spiritual Adventures Workshops . . .

"This workshop has provided me with the answers I've been looking for most of my life. And they were within me all this time."

Mike W. Novi, MI.

"Wow, what an adventure."

Paul F. Boston, Mass.

"I started having out-of-body experiences when I was a teenager. I couldn't tell anyone, because they would think I was crazy. After the question and answer session, I felt good knowing that this is a perfectly natural experience."

Francine K. San Francisco,

"It was so exciting. I can't wait to get home and practice the techniques."

Kim Y. Yelm, WA.

"A totally powerful experience. If you have ever considered taking a workshop, this is the one! It is packed with information, techniques and answers to all of your questions on out-of-body travel."

Carolyn M. Santa Barbara, Ca. "Bill is wonderful. The workshop was insightful due to his many personal experiences. Finally, someone I can talk to that knows what this is about."

Ken E. Denver, CO.

"A refreshing change from the lecture format in so many workshops. The discussion was lively and the techniques were simple and effective."

Bob R. Minneapolis, MN

To receive a complete sponsors package please send me your mailing address. William Buhlman Sample Workshop flyer and information