August Destination Higher Self! Astral Projection Newsletter


This month we held the very first Destination: Higher Self workshop at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. It was very powerful as you can see from thefeedback that has been published in this newsletter.  
For many people what happens after we die is a deep mystery. Millions of near-death and out-of-body experiences now provide us with a glimpse into the afterlife. It is our task to liberate our mind and explore our spiritual self. We as spiritual beings must take full responsibility for all aspects of our existence, including our journey of consciousness at death.

Becoming proactive and creating a personal spiritual plan now,can help to reduce our fear of death, allowing us to focus on our highest spiritual essence, our Higher Self. We also have the opportunity to support and assist a loved one when the time comes to release their physical body.

This workshop combines the practical and spiritual aspects with discussion, Hemi-Sync techniques and hands on practice. Learn to become spiritually self-empowered and prepare for an enlightened transition.  I urge you to consider this important topic as part of your spiritual development.

All my best,


Feedback from The First Destination: Higher Self ! Workshop

This class is designed to prepare us and our loved ones for an enlightened transition and assist us to experience our highest spiritual goals. Thanks to all of the participants for the first workshop and making it such a special event. I was very impressed with the level of interactive experiences that the class shared. Here are some of their comments.

"This is the most important topic we can study today. It may be ahead of it's time, but it is so necessary."

"I met an old friend during the one technique you did after lunch. He had passed a few years ago and I was not even thinking about him. He gave me a message for his wife."

"The simulated doula experience brought me to tears. I am totally confident that I will know what to do now."

"I really appreciated the true stories about people who are in their last days and the impact of their family's and friend's participation. It brought your instruction to life."

"I hadn't even thought about creating a special (sacred) space until you presented those ideas. Thank you."

"Everything you talked about brought up memories of the time I had with my spouse as they died. I feel more confident knowing that I gave them the best possible transition experience."

"Thank you for talking about how to politely address heavily religious family members during the dying experience. It's good to know that I can still have an impact on a truly spiritual transition."

"The one technique we did inspired by the Phowa was worth the price of the class."

"We can even assist those who have had a sudden transition. This is so important. Loved hearing about Bill's experience on the airplane that was about to crash."

"The fire ceremony was a very meaningful part of the workshop. I really got some strength from that event."


In this class you will develop your own Spiritual Advanced Directive, learn the practices of an end of life coach, and experience techniques that will clear the way for you to achieve a powerful spiritual transition.

Key Class Discussion Topics

The Role of an end of life Doula

Creating a Sacred Space

How to assist a loved one during transition 

Afterlife Consensus Realities

Fire Ceremony for Releasing Attachments and Allowing Forgiveness

Review of Tibetan Book of the Dead as part of a multi-cultural discussion

Contacting and Communicating with loved ones that have passed

Addressing Grief and Attachments

How OBEs prepare us for transition

Navigating Non-physical Realities

I am looking forward to our next class in October where we will continue to explore this fascinating topic through a variety of techniques and exercises. This workshop is conducted in an intimate setting at the beautiful Robert's Mountain Retreat.  

Robert's Mountain Retreat at The Monroe Institute

William Buhlman's Workshops at
The Monroe Institute for 2015

Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive Workshop

August 22 - 28 Sold Out
September 19 - 25 Sold Out

Visit here for OBE workshop information.

Dates are now available for 2016.

  NEW !!! Destination: Higher Self Workshop
 August 6 - August 9 Complete
 October 8 - October 11

Visit here for Destination: Higher Self Workshop Information

Below are some of the affirmations that were used in the Destination: Higher Self !  class and can be found on the Monroe Products CD set.

You are safe, returning to the source
You are flowing in the path of light
You embrace the flow of your spiritual essence
You are on your way home
You have unlimited energy to follow your spiritual path
You are easily moving along the journey to spiritual enlightenment
You joyfully go to the clear light of your source
You are surrounded by love moving along your spiritual path
You separate from the physical to consciously become your higher self

Click here for many "Share your Experience" accounts of
OBEs and other spiritual journeys.

Destination: Higher Self

There are two CDs in this set. The first is Affirmations to Experience your Higher Self.
Affirmations to Experience your Higher Self– This is a repetition of positive statements that encourage the subconscious to move beyond the physical body, into the spiritual essence of who we really are. This can be enjoyed during sleep, meditation or even an activity that allows for you to absorb the statements. Become one with the affirmations and hold your intention as your last conscious thought.

On CD 2 there are two meditations. One is called Doorways to Your Higher Self, the other is Waves of Light.

Doorways to Your Higher Self – The purpose of this meditation is to identify and remove the specific blocks that may be holding you back from achieving your higher self-awareness. It could be fear, guilt or attachment to a physical concept. This technique will assist you to not only address, but release the limit. Once through the doors you will systematically shed those attachments that keep you from attaining the spiritual experience that you desire.

Waves of Light – With each wave of light, you will feel yourself becoming less and less attached as you become one with the light. This will assist you in achieving your destination: your higher self.
Both CDs are supported with Hemi-Sync technology. With each of these, you should be in a quiet place where you can focus on the technique. Keep a journal nearby so that you can record any insights that you gain during your meditative time.

 This program can also be used for the exploration of consciousness. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Guidance manual included. Please note: These exercises are designed to take you into highly expanded states of consciousness, and do not include frequencies for grounding at the end. Therefore, if you are not a person in transition, it is imperative to ground yourself after listening. See guidance manual for more information. Features hemispheric synchronization sound technologies to balance and focus the brain DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® products while driving.

Amazon is having a sale on the Kindle edition ofAdventures in the Afterlife. It's just $5.99 !!

To order, click here.