I am pleased to report that my son Alex has returned from his service in Iraq. He is fine and should be home in 10 days or less. I would like to thank everyone for their heartfelt thoughts and prayers. I am currently writing a new book tentatively named The Art of Awareness. The primary focus of the book will be on practical ways for us to expand and enhance our perception and consciously connect with our spiritual essence. The new book will explore the natural energy laws that shape and mold our lives and how our awareness of these principles can dramatically enhance our lives. The following is a brief example.
Individuals who have out-of-body experiences often talk about seeing other realities beyond our physical vision. It is not uncommon for them to report observing the formation of raw energy into various forms. These subtle energy forms are molded by our thoughts and emotions.
Many believe that these thought forms are actually the early energy stages of creation before they manifest as physical reality. In other words all physical forms start as a thought and assume shape and solidity within the unseen inner dimensions of the universe.
These subtle thought forms grow in density and detail as we direct and focus our repeated thought energy upon them. Every focused idea whether it is a house, a car or a relationship slowly grows and has the potential to become form. When we hold a clear idea or image in our mind we essentially create a stable energy mold and doorway into the outer world of matter. Our repeated thought energy reinforces and builds the subtle substructure for the specific energy object, condition or relationship so it can potentially appear in matter. This is the basic energy essence of creation, the mechanics and manifestation of form.
The vast majority of humanity remains unaware of this and other basic energy principles that create our personal reality. Based on out-of-body experiences we know that the universe, seen and unseen, is an immense multidimensional hologram of energies that is constantly interacting with thought.
In many ways the universe around us acts like a mirror that accurately reflects our thoughts. Each of us is like a powerful TV. broadcasting station sending our many thought signals into the universe. When you consciously or unconsciously project the thought energies of “give me” and “I need” into the universe the universe automatically responds back to you with the same message, “Give me” and “I need from you”. When you change your mental and emotional projections to “How can I give?” and “how can I serve?” a fundamental and radical shift in energy occurs and the universe automatically responds back to you, “ What can I give to you?” “How can I serve you?” The magnificent multidimensional hologram of energy we call life is always ready and able to respond to your thoughts. In fact it has always responded to your personal thoughts, but it is you that must learn how to control and focus your own projections of energy. Until you do you will exist in a state of constant need for you are always reaping the thoughts you sow. The energy dynamic is clear, change your thoughts and changes will manifest in your life. Good, bad or indifferent what you think about and dwell upon expands around you.
Closely monitor your thoughts for one day and you may be shocked by the content. Examine both the content and the tone of your thoughts periodically through the day. Keep in mind it is estimated that we create a staggering 60,000 thoughts a day. Now take a moment and ask yourself some important questions, what message or messages are you sending out into the universe? Are your thoughts predominately focused on your personal needs, desires, or perceived lack? Is the dominant theme and tone of your thoughts about your need for more money, more things, greater self-gratification, better relationships or your health issues or are you thinking about how you can assist or give of yourself to others? For one full day do an experiment where you send loving, helpful, and supportive thoughts to every single person you meet. See if you can feel the difference in your self.
Your life today is the direct result of your thought energy. Remember, the universe, like the sun, shines it’s light and abundance equally upon all of us, but it is up to us to awaken and open to the radiant inner light. Your thoughts are the key. Every time you look into a mirror examine your thoughts. From this moment be aware and select your thoughts with care.
All my best,
William Buhlman